Two things I love to always have on hand are a journal and a pen. When I'm stuck on what to do next, writing helps me conquer it. Whether it be stuck on a new article idea, not being able to finish a project I am working on, or having a lot of built up stress-writing seems to be the key to my success. Today I have for you five writing prompts to help you conquer practically anything. By clearing your mind and letting your emotions out on to paper anything is possible. Don't forget to have some fun with these:)
I went to hobby lobby for the first time today and let me tell you it is my new favorite store!!
This is one statement that I have heard a lot from the people around me. I have such a passion for working hard and being productive that I forget to enjoy the fruits of my labor. I have the highest of standards for myself and I forget sometimes that I am only human, and that humans make mistakes. So I have learned for never settling for being less than yourself, because yourself is the most perfect being you can be. You're not hiding behind a fake personality, or trying to impress someone with knowledge you don't actually care about. When you're yourself anything is possible, and if you love yourself someone else is bound to love you too. So work hard to be you and everything else will fall into place.
Throughout my website I talk a lot about how I have learned a lot from the people around me, and I have, but I wanted a place where I could more in depth talk about that rather than just reference it. I love learning new things and putting my whole heart into everything that I do. Here's the place where my journey comes to life. "Take too many pictures. Laugh too much and love like you've never been hurt. Because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back." -unknown